MS Windows XP/7 versions | ||
PC/XT Emulator (w/BIOS) BK-0010/11 Emulator Korvet Emulator (w/BIOS) MSX1/ColecoVision Emulator |
IBM PC/XT compatible computers Soviet home/school PDP-11 computers Soviet school CPM/i8080 computers Home/school Z80 computers and console |
16.12.2013 (refresh) 16.12.2013 (refresh) 16.12.2013 (refresh) 30.04.2013 (initial version) |
Google Android (2.3 - 4.x) versions (ARM) | ||
PC/AT Emulator (w/BIOS) Korvet Emulator (w/BIOS) BK-0010/11 Emulator MSX1/ColecoVision Emulator |
IBM PC/AT compatible computers Soviet school CPM/i8080 computers Soviet home/school PDP-11 computers Home/school Z80 computers and console |
15.05.2013 (586, FPU, mouse, fullscreen) 23.04.2013 (speedup, bugfixes) 23.04.2013 (BK-0011M, speedup) 30.04.2013 (initial version) |